Trevor is 2 1/2 yrs old now, and getting smarter every second!  He weighs 28lbs and is 33 inches tall.  He is still on the small side for his age, but he's catching up quickly.  In terms of cognitive development, he's excellent.  His vocabulary is close to 100 words, maybe more.  He speaks pretty clear and in small sentences. He also follows 2 step directions (when he's not being hard-headed).  We have discovered that he LOVES baseball.  He hits a ball off of a tee with a bat (plastic, or course), throws like a champ, and loves wearing a helmet!  He will sit with Dennis and watch Major League Baseball games on the TV. His favorite team is the Braves ( I'm stretching it  I recently have began introducing coloring/writing skills to him.  He likes the idea, and tries very hard, but mostly just scribbles and calls his "artwork" a "baseball."  He can count to 11 by himself and identify numbers 1-10, and a few letters.  His favorite letter is "H."  Dennis has a Houston Astros cap with a big "H" on it, and Trevor loves it.  

As far as health-wise, he's doing great.  He seems to have finally outgrown the chronic cough (knock on wood).  He does have a few dental issues, but those will be addressed next month at TCH.  We learned a few days ago that he allergic to vinegar.  What kid is allergic to vinegar!?!  Mine..of course.  We discovered this after noticing red blotches around his mouth after he eats salsa or pickles.  Has to be the vinegar....

His current favorite toy (aside from the bat, ball, and helmet) is a plastic slide.  He even "takes turns" with Cabbage Patch dolls!  :)  

Potty Training, you ask?  I will just say that we are actively working on it, but no where near mastering it yet.  No worries!  He will do it in his own time, just like everything else <3  

April 21st, Team Trevor participated in the annual March of Dimes, March For Babies 3K.  We had 26 walkers and 2 stroller riders!  Our team surpassed last year's goal and our total donation is upward of $2000.00  This is Trevor's most recent picture, cheering and clapping with the crowd as we crossed the 3K finish line.
4/25/2012 11:57:17 am

he is such a gift of joy! an cute as a button just wanna pinch those cheek's lol!


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