Trevor is scheduled for a sleep study on October 25th in Houston.  He is still having a few episodes of apnea, so maybe the study will give us some answers. He also has an appointment with Ages & Stages (developmental evaluation) at Texas Children's in Houston on October 26th.  Dennis and I are talking about possibly staying the night in Houston on the 25th after the sleep study.  The test will take several hours and we have to be back in Houston the next day by 8:30am, so it would be much easier on us to just stay.  It makes it a little tricky though, because the girls have school.  Not sure what the definite plan is yet, but either way, we will make sure that Trevor is there for both appointments.  

On a brighter note, Trevor has started eating again! He is still not eating as much as he normally does, but he IS at least attempting all three meals.  :)  I noticed tonight that he looks a little peaked.  Not sure, but I think he may be coming down with something. 

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